A simple collection of statistical algorithms, functions to work with tables and a simple csv reader and writer.
Input is a list of numbers.
There are no external dependencies, just pure Erlang.
Basic statistics:
- minmax/1 - basic statistics put into a record of type #stats
- print/1 - pretty print a #stats record
- avg/1 - average
- variance/1
- variance_welford/1 - variance using the welford algorithm
- median/1
- median_s/1 - median of a sample
- stddev/1 - standard deviation
- stddev_sample/1 - standard deviation of a sample
- sample_error/1 - standard error
- kurtosis and kurtosis_sample (biased)
- skewness and skewness_sample (unbiased)
- covar/2 - covariance
- covar_sample/2 - covariance of a sample
- correlation/2
- mode and multimode
- simple regression
- create/1 a histogram
- normalize/1 a histogram
- cumhist/1 cumhist/2 create a cumulative histogram
- ecdf/1
Read/write a csv file into a list of lists (a “table”)
- read/1, read/2, - read a csv file
- write_list/2, write_list/3 - write to a file
Functions for easier handling of lists of lists as created by the csv reader.
exports type table().
- get_col/2, get_col_if/3 - extract a column from a table
- print/1
- append_row/2 - appends a row
- get_row/1 - return the nth row
- subtable/2 - extract rows into a new table
Examples on how to use the library